Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 13th-17th

Hello Families of Room 2!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • As Valentine's Day is getting closer, just a reminder that any Valentine's cards that students bring in may not contain candy.  We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Tuesday by handing out our Valentine's and playing some fun games!  Please let me know if you need another list of the names of the students in our class.
  • Scholastic book orders are due this Wednesday!
  • This Wednesday is an early release.
  • Jump Rope for Heart is also this Wednesday!
  • Permission slips were sent home last week for a field trip on March 3rd.  Please sign and send that in as soon as possible!
  • Spring picture day will be Friday, February 17th.  Group pictures will begin at 1:30pm. Please send uniforms, sashes, vests, and t-shirts  for the following groups:
    • Boy Scouts: Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Webelo I, Webelo II
    • Girl Scouts: K Daisies, 1 Daisies. 2 Brownies. 3 Brownies, Juniors STEM Scouts
    • Robotics
    • Strings
    • Garden Club

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  We will continue working on our fourth writing unit: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials. Students have done an awesome job finishing up their persuasive speeches and they are ready to present them this week!  I will be recording the speeches and placing them on the blog so be on the lookout for those!

Reading: This week we will begin a new reading unit: Mysteries!  The class is very excited about this!  We will start this unit off by talking about what we already know about mystery books and focusing on making predictions.

Math: This week we will finish Chapter 9: Properties and Equations.  Our test is on Tuesday.  I sent the study guides home last week!  Also, the study guide answer key did have a mistake on it (sorry about that!).  The answer to the last question should be 100, not 80 (add up 80 and 20 to get 100).  Please let me know if you have any questions!  I placed a picture of the two math charts we have been using in this chapter on the blog in order to help as your child studies for their test Tuesday!

Science/Social Studies: Due to many events happening during our social studies and science time over the next few weeks (Jump Rope for Heart, Valentine's Day party, Strings Assembly, etc.) we will not be starting another social studies or science chapter until the end of the third quarter.  Instead, we will be taking this time of the day to review the reading and math Galileo tests in order to make sure we are remembering concepts and skills that we have previously learned!

Have a great week!

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