Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4th-6th

Hello Families of Room 2!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • Please remind your child to turn in their December reading log.

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  This week we will reflect on the goals we made for ourselves during our informational writing unit.  We will also begin our fourth writing unit: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials. We will start by creating writing goals for ourselves during this unit as well!

Reading: This week we will begin our fourth reading unit: Research Clubs.  We will start this unit off with a short pre-assessment that allows me to understand what students already know and don't know about researching in order to help them better throughout this unit!

Math: Since this is a short week, and some students will be at Leap on Wednesday, we will begin our next math unit on Monday. During our math time this week, third grade has decided to begin Genius Hour!

Genius Hour:  Genius Hour is one hour of class-time set aside each week where the kids have a chance to collaborate, work toward a common cause, use their talents and strengths, and get creative about something they are passionate about!   The possibilities are endless and totally driven by the kids.  The goal of genius hour is to mold innovators and creators- students who use inquiry and creativity to think for themselves and problem solve in ways they may not have before.We will take this week to begin generating ideas and coming up with a passion project.  We will take a look at projects that have been done in the past and begin looking at websites that can be used to help us research our topic.  After this week, Genius Hour will take place on Tuesday mornings from 9:00-9:45. Be sure to ask your child about this exciting new addition to our schedule!

Have a great week!

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