Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 9th-13th

Hello Families of Room 2!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • Please remind your child to turn in their December reading log.
  • Our class Compliment Chain has reached the ground!  I let the class vote on a celebration and they decided they would like to have lunch in the classroom!  Students will still buy or bring lunch as usual and on Tuesday they will come eat as a class in our room!  They are so excited!  Check out a few pictures below of the class with our compliment chain (there are three different pictures because each student wanted a chance holding the chain :) )

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  This week we will begin our fourth writing unit: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials. We will start this unit by writing our very first persuasive speech to Dr. Mariscal and Dr. Moehlmann trying to convince them that third grade should have a math-a-thon.  Hopefully we can persuade them!

Reading: This week we will continue our fourth reading unit: Research Clubs.  We will be taking a look at multiple texts on one topic and learning how to use the information from each book when researching a topic.  Students will also be placed in research clubs and given multiple texts on one type of animal in order to apply the strategies we talk about during class.

Social Studies:  This week we will begin chapter 10: Economics.  We will focus on producers, consumers, and supply and demand.  We will also learn about human, capital, and natural resources.

Math: This week we will begin Chapter 8: Apply Multiplication and Division.  We will discuss strategies to multiply and divide by 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11.  

Have a great week!

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