Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17th-21st

Hello Families of Room 2!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Thank you to everyone who brought in an item for our MAP testing trail mix!  We are going to have some great "brain food" this week!  The class is so excited!
  • MAP Testing Dates:  Our class will be MAP testing on the following dates and times, please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these times.  
    • April 17th-19th (in the afternoon)
    • April 27th-28th (in the morning)
  • Monday afternoon we will begin MAP testing!  I am so proud of all of the hard work our class has put in o preparing for this test!  We have been working hard all year long and I know they are ready to show what they know!

Due to MAP testing this week, we will not be having our normal instruction time in reading, writing, and social studies.  However, we will continue to work on our geometry unit.  We will will focus on quadrilaterals and partitioning shapes.  We will wait to have the geometry test until after MAP testing is over!

Have a great week! 

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