Sunday, April 30, 2017

May 1st-5th

Hello Families of Room 2!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • MAP testing is officially over!  Woohoo!  To celebrate "putting the MAP to bed" we are wearing our pajamas on Monday!
  • Please remind your child to turn in their April reading log!
  • On Tuesday we will be having Junior Achievement.  Volunteers from Panera will be coming to our classroom to teach us about consumers, producers, and money.  The Junior Achievement lesson will be from 9:00-2:15.  We will still have our normal block and lunch time.
  • While I love the idea of using a fidget toy to help with staying focused, there are a few of them that are "toys" and not being used in the correct way.  Yikes!  Concord has put a ban on the fidget spinners.  These are no longer allowed to come to school.  They are being used as "toys" and are causing a lot of distraction.  The other item that is creating a mess, is the slime.  NO more slime can come to school.  Let me know if you have any questions!
Writing: This week we will continue our newest writing unit: Autobiographies!  This week we are going to focus on writing about our families, interests, and special memories.  

Reading:  During reading this week we will take time to read autobiographies and biographies in order to gain ideas for our writing!

Math: We will will focus on partitioning shapes. Our test will be on Thursday, May 4th.  Study guides were sent home last week!

Science:  This week we will continue Chapter 9: Energy.  We will review on Monday and our test will be on Tuesday!  Study guides were sent home last week.

Have a great week! 

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